‘Sarvam – More sleek than Billa’ – Vishnuvardhan

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,March 18 2009]

Sarvam Gallery

When everyone perceived ‘Billa’ to be his magnum opus, here’s a dazing statement made by Vishnuvardhan. The filmmaker who has recently completed postproduction works for ‘Sarvam’ had interactions with media channels.

Vishnuvardhan said, “Possibly, Billa could’ve been shot in B&W format for that would have suited. But ‘Sarvam’ has lots of flamboyant picturing with unique tones throughout the show. Precisely, it keeps shifting with the ambience of screenplay’s plot”.

So, how about the successful team gearing up again?

Vishnuvardhan goes sure-footed in uttering that he’s got a good team in hand. Cinematographer Nirav Shah, Yuvan Shankar Raja and Editor Sreekar Prasad had delivered spellbinding shows in all of Vishnu’s previous films. “We’ve been sharing good rapport allowing rooms for open suggestions and that pushes us with good outputs”.

More on Yuvan’s Musical score, he adds “Illayaraja’s ‘Adada’ would persistently appear throughout first half. In fact, it goes on as a signature theme with vital grandness. The theme music itself reveals the motif of complete tale with first half bounded with fun, frolic and romance. On the contrastive levels, the latter part treads with unexpected twists and turns’.

Getting on with duo Arya-Trisha, Vishnuvardhan said that pairing up together for the time would’ve urged everyone to lookout for their onscreen chemistry. Certainly, Arya and Trisha are brimmed with over-the-top show. JD Chakravarthy dons the characterization of a football coach with hyper-strained nature. Master Rohan has the most prominent role in this flick and his naturalistic approach in the frame would fetch him best credits.

The film’s release date was earlier slated on April 10 and now has been preponed to March 27.

Listen to 'Sarvam' songs on Raaga.com

Watch Now - Vishnuvardhan Meets The Press